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  1. BaronVonWolfenheiser

    Key Fob Auto Start method: press lock button twice and hold down on 3rd press

    Not sure if I’m just late to the game or not but just found this and tested it on my 24 pro and it works. I thought you could only use the Toyota app to auto start the truck. Hitting the lock button 2 times and on the 3rd time pressing it you hold and it will auto start. Hopefully this helps.
  2. BaronVonWolfenheiser

    Anyone installed DRL fog light “Fang Lights”?

    Has anyone installed the Fog Lights that go into the space where the black plastic insert is currently under the headlights? I found this link to describe it...
  3. BaronVonWolfenheiser


    Hey y’all!!! Anyone else from MD in here?