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  1. mrgooden

    Silver Limited Part Number

    I have no idea why the idiots ordered my truck with black limited emblems on the doors. Does anyone know Toyota's part number for chrome colored Limited door emblems? Richard
  2. mrgooden

    Bulletpoint Mounting Solutions - should release end of month.

    Bulletpoint Mounting Solutions stated they should release a mounting solution by the end of the month.
  3. mrgooden

    3D Mats Release Date - July 2nd week

    3D mats said their front row mats (drivers and passenger) will be released second week of July. No estimated date of release for the second row. Richard
  4. mrgooden

    Swing and a miss - should have video recording ability + forward facing camera

    Just a thought about Toyota and other manufacturers. All these 360 camera systems and there is no way to save all this video on a memoRichard. The digital rear view mirror should have a forward facing camera as well. Then a memory card to save both the forward and aft views. I think it is a...